Lions Clubs Organization

The ColonyLions Club

Founded in 1979
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The Colony Lions Club


$70.00 per calendar year
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The Colony Lions Club

Around the world, Lions are serving their communities through vision projects, youth engagement, services for children, health initiatives, disaster relief and more. Where there’s a NEED, there’s a LION in your COMMUNITY and around the WORLD. We are proud to be part of the Lions 2-E2 district and serving The Colony, Texas!

Join Our Flag Program

Help create a community of red, white and blue! Join others on your street to honor our country with a parade of flags in all our neighborhoods. All profits will support community and Lions Club International projects.

  • $70.00 / renewal

    Four or more flags at one business or HOA are $50 per year for each flag.

    Help create a community of red, white and blue! Join others on your street to honor our country with a parade of flags in all our neighborhoods.

    Six times a year, US Flags will be placed in front of your home or business. Flag display days include: President’s Day – Memorial Day – Independence Day Labor Day – Patriots Day – Veterans Day. On each of the above dates, a quality 3′ x 5′ American flag on a 10′ pole will be installed in front of your home or business. The Colony Lions Club will charge $70 per year, billing you each year thereafter for subscription renewal. Four or more flags at one business or HOA are $50 per year for each flag.

    Choose the number of Flags you would like:
    (Bulk Pricing applied when added to cart)

Flag Placement Holidays

  • Presidents Day (Third Monday in February)
  • Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day (First Monday in September)
  • Patriots Day (September 11)
  • Veterans Day (November 11)